I have a confession. Please don't hate me.

Lately, I've stopped buying physical books. Where I live, we get a much later release dates. That's just too sad for me. Don't get me wrong. Going to bookstores and holding a physical book is still much better. But I have been devouring e-books instead.

So, there. 

There are many strong opinions on physical books vs. e-books. I don't want to get into this but I found it easier for me to get e-books instead. Given the choice, I will still go for the physical copy. Also, I wouldn't have enough space in my apartment for all the lovely books I want to get my hands on. Another thing, my cat also likes books... to eat, gnaw, scratch, etc. It's much safer for e-books.

Anyhow... on to the haul.

From my recent Goodreads add-everyone-as-friends rampage, I've been recommended a lot of awesome horror books. That's a genre that I hardly ever dabble into. The only horror book I've read (as an audio book) in recent memory is this:

4 out of 5 stars review here

This was a while back. So, I thought it's high time to get me some more horror books. 

Ruthie moves in to an old house with her mom, Alice, and younger sister, unfortunately named Fawn. This old house witnessed a tragedy in its past, where a young girl disappears and her mom is found dead just a few short months later. Suddenly, Alice's mom goes missing. In her search, Ruthie finds a diary under the floorboards. 
The blurb won't tell you, and what the reviews did, was that it's a little similar to Stephen King's Pet Cemetery.

One of friends over at Goodreads, Estelle, was reading this. She seemed really into it so I picked it up.
Akin to The Happening, and taking it right out of Cruel Beauty, something strange is attacking people. There's a "something" that, once seen, can drive the seer insane. People were rightly afraid and the main character, Malorie, trains two kids to live without sight. I didn't read Malorie blinding them, so I guess that's okay.
It follows Marlorie's life as the event unfolds and as she copes with it later on.
This is an adventure-horror since Malorie's main goal is to get to a safer place.

After two books with adult protagonists, I thought I'd pick up a younger main character.
This book has a ton of good reviews - everyone seems to love it... back in 2014.
Where have I been? Definitely not in the horror section.
We follow a young girl who is kept in a cell. Every morning, guards would come in to her cell, strap her to a wheelchair whilst pointing a gun at her head, then wheels her to class. It appears that people are deathly afraid of what she and other kids like her can do. Why?
That's what we're about to find out.
This book is also dystopian, apparently.

Sometimes, you just want to go into books blind. For me, it's imperative if I have a feeling that I will dislike the book/s I'm about to read.
That's what I did for The Miniaturist and I am having a blast right now.
To fully enjoy this book, I have avoided any blurbs about this.
The only thing I know about it is that it is a horror book and it's a trilogy.
They say it's also a YA Romance. That alone scares me.

That's all the horror books I picked up.
Would you like to recommend a horror book?
Write it down on the comment box below.

Apart from this, I picked up a few (lot) more books that are non-horror. Most of them are sci-fi. If I haven't managed to finish The Miniaturist by tonight, I'll filler post the list of my new sci-fi books tomorrow. 

Yes, this is a filler post and I'm not afraid to admit that. If I could read one book a day, then I would. As I can't, I apologize for the many more filler posts to come. 

Rensa tav.